not all who wander are lost.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Feast of Generosity.

Nir has been coming to Sri Lanka for many years now. In those years he has become very close to a local family, and has become Ama's unofficial, honorary "son". He has lived with this family and now is renting houses from their extended family (which he is fixing up and renting out). Last night, after a meeting with the family, Nir scooped up Ziv and I for dinner at the house. Ama cooked up a rice and curry feast for us, and just like any mother, she fussed over Nir being 'too skinny' and kept encouraging him to fill up his plate. As is the Sri Lankan way, we ate on our own as Ama watched and then later fed herself and her husband when we were finished. It's a hard custom to become acquainted with, but I just try to relax into it..going empty handed to a house for a meal, which your host wont participate in. Oye. Anywho, Ama was quite impressed with the little blonde white girl who could eat with her hands, who loved chilis, and who could speak a bit of Sinhalese. Another wonderful meal cooked up by another full-of-love Ama. I am constantly moved by the generosity of others, especially by those who have so little- and still give so much. Today I am feeling so very blessed, and very full! 

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? 
If I am for myself only, what am I?
If not now, when?" 
--rabbi hillel

*this is a picture of Tata (dad), Ama's husband, that Nir snapped...

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