not all who wander are lost.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Travel Time.

Rachael and Mom, deep in conversation @ Zinc.
Always taking inspiration from my oracle cards. 
We started off yesterday morning at Zinc Cafe in Solana Beach with the beautiful Rachael. Mom sipped on a pumpkin cappuccino, Rachael on some super rich hot chocolate (thats how she keeps her beautiful slender figure), and me on some chamomile herbal tea. The conversation flowed and then we picked oracle cards, obviously. You can't just "dive in", but take time to connect to whatever thoughts and emotions are pulsing through your body and then, with intention, pick a card. All of us picked the appropriate one, mine being the Emu : "This is a good time to go on a new adventure". I opened the booklet to see the full reading and it read...

"Your sense of adventure is calling you. can you hear it? Listen to your heart of hearts - the still, small voice that whispers to you of holy and exotic places and of pleasure in discovering the unfamiliar and novel, feeling confident and trusting in your instincts and intuition to guide you on your journey. Let this be a wandering pilgrimage, one where you can be appreciative of whatever circumstances you encounter and make the best of them. Have some idea of where and what you'll be doing, but don't be attached to the plan. Instead, be willing to adjust your itinerary as you are so guided. 

Dismiss the voice that says, "Yeah, sounds good, but I can't do that because..." This kind of thinking not only limits you by always keeping you in the illusion of comfort and safety, but also leads you to avoiding, the real life drama that comes from stretching your comfort zone. You need not do so in a way that puts you in any real danger, as there are many options where risk is minimal, yet the thrill and excitement of exploration is still there. 

So heed the calling, and first believe that its possible for you to act on it. And don't want too long. Life is too short. 

ASSOCIATIONS: Completion; Freedom; Innocence; Action; Attentiveness; Roaming; Wanderlust; Adventure; Pilgrimage; Restlessness; Protectiveness; Exploration; Lighthearedness; Playfulness

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