not all who wander are lost.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I am officially obsessed. Living, sleeping, breathing...Twilight. I cannot get enough. Within the past 48 hours I have watched the first Twilight movie twice, and the second Twilight: New Moon 4 times! I would pay any money in the world to watch the 3rd movie of the series...Twilight: Eclipse, but it is no longer playing in theatres and is not yet out on DVD. UGH. SOB. Devastating.

SO, the person responsible for getting me hooked is my wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, talented best friend in the whole world - Miss Julia Bandy. A few months back when she was explaining to me her latest obsession, I simply couldn't believe what I was hearing. Julia - my Julia - my educated, intelligent, worldly Julia...loves Twilight? Huh? Despite her raving, I still couldn't get into it. Well, now that she's here - I was forced to watch it. And goddamnit - I love it. I can't quite wrap my head around WHY I love it so much...I've never watched a two hour movie, only to rewind it and watch it AGAIN right after. It is somewhat of a cheesy romance story - but it's addictive. I think the reason that I've become so obsessed is because it's an escape. Fantasy. So much more exciting than real life, and it's certainly distracting {now consuming my every thought, even my dreams}. Today I'm heading to the store to purchase both the first and second DVD's and I'm then headed to the library for ALL FOUR BOOKS. From what Jules said they are an easy read, and with the way this obsession has taken over I'm sure that I'll be finished all four within the week. Also on the list...purchasing the soundtracks from both movies...because they are EPIC.

For all of you Twilight-Haters out there...if you can't beat em, join em -- and you know what, you're bound to love em!

For all of you Twilight-Lovers...I'm on TEAM EDWARD.

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