not all who wander are lost.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

"Jersey Girl Eaten By Manta-Ray"

...that is what the paper will read.

I almost DIED today --- eaten by a school of manta rays. Most surfers dream of surfing with only two other people, in crystal clear - bright blue water, and perfect head high waves. Not I. I like to surf with some other people, more than 5, less than 10 (so that my chance of getting eaten by a shark goes down - or if I drown there will be more people there to save me). As soon as I got in the water I just had an eerie feeling. It was too calm, and too beautiful. Some of the waves were bombing, powerful close-outs - and some held up into perfect, fast, peeling waves. It was only me, cam and shawn. When the two of them would take waves back to back, I would start to hear the jaws theme, and my heart would begin to race. For someone who loves the water so much, and spends so much time in it - I am just baffled as to why I have this paralyzing fear of it! Anyways...I took a wave and then turned around to paddle back out through a big set (of course). I JUST made it over the first one, and then the second one was going to crest right on my head. As if that wasn't enough there was a school of TWENTY MANTA RAYS riding the wave, swimming RIGHT INTO MY FACE!!! I screamed bloody murder (followed by some CHOICE words....) and dove as deep as I could to the bottom of the sea, trying to escape the manta-rays deadly grasp (or should I say 'suction'?). When I came up Shawn had a look of panic on his face, thinking that I obviously was drowning, severely hurt, or being eaten alive by a monster shark. Him and Cam couldn't stop laughing when they realized what I was so worked up about. Well goddamnit - I coulda died! These manta rays are some vicious animals - especially when they travel in packs - and I won't let anyone tell me different!

Anyhow- I SURVIVED. I came home and celebrated my second chance at life with a Vietnamese Iced Coffee.

Going to read my book and nurse my 40+ mosquito bites. And dad, don't be mad -- I have been DRESSING my whole body in toxic bug spray, but nothing works. What can I say? I got that sweet meat.

Love the Survivor, Cailin.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh that is nuts! I would rather have been in a school of mantas yesterday than in the school of sedans, suvs and sports cars that I was sucked into while driving to work yesterday. ha ha. Needless to say I am glad you made it out alive, and it only makes me miss you more!!! xoxoxox love julisa
